Aug. 1 1962 in Kremnica (SR)
1977 - 1981
Metallurgic High School, Banská Štiavnica
1984 - 1987
The Institute of Artistic Photography, Opava (CR)
1989 - 1994
FAMU - Department of Photography, Prague (CR)
I live in two worlds. One is real and the second one is an alternative created from the negative of bad qualities of the real world. The second one is of higher value for me.
It is my mirror or my picture. It is changing by the incessant self - control, it is developing. I am closing myself into this world little by little, maybe voluntarily, maybe as necessity, because this world is better and more perfect than the real one. It is nor pragmatic, logical, nor intolerancy or superficial. There is nothing to explain, it is filled by fantasy, absurd situations and play. Sometimes it is determined by the real world, then also violence and evil can appear in it. I use it as a mirror of the real world. I discover my world slowly, it is impossible to discover it at once.
And when I find something, soon it is changed. It is an exciting adventure. It is a touch of transcendent. I discover strange situations, surreal pictures, unexpected relationships. Sometimes it is just an idea, sudden gleam, other time just a feeling. Sometimes it is built up as a mosaic into the inexplicable picture, that can be percieved only by subconscience. Sometimes I mediate something from it, but the most beautiful picture I have in my head. This world has been developing continuosly, something from it remains forever, something changes all the time. It shows me the way. My existency becomes a motions between my world and the real world. It is the motion between sky and earth. More and more often I find myself just in my own world feeling intuitively that I do not belong into the real world anymore. I do not know whether I shall ever return...
Pavel Pecha